If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

African Proverb

Make it stand out.

Zero Waste Petaluma

Working closely with Zero Waste Sonoma (formerly the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency) and Recology Sonoma Marin, ZWP educates the community and advocates for policies to help residents and businesses reduce, reuse, and recycle solid waste. For more information about ZWP, contact Marie Kneemeyer at mariekneemeyer13@gmail.com.

Aqus Community Foundation

Aqus is a nonprofit organization working to build social capital in Petaluma. By creating fun and inspiring gatherings, programs, events, and mixers, we bring people together to find our common ground, create friendships, engage in meaningful conversations, and realize a sense of belonging.

Bike Petaluma

Bike Petaluma strives to create a town where people of all ages and abilities can safely enjoy bicycling.

Petaluma Urban Chat

Petaluma Urban Chat educates the public on four key elements of city planning—housing, transportation, city finances, and climate action—and advocates for the best solutions to each.

Sierra Club - Redwood Chapter

Sierra Club Redwood Chapter is a volunteer-run organization that works to conserve and protect our outdoor spaces as well as foster a meaningful connection to the environment for the community to value and enjoy. Redwood Chapter is always looking for new active volunteers to boost our effectiveness throughout the region. Please get in touch with us if you're interested in lending a hand in your community.